17 Undocmented

This section just lists all symbols exported from the XLIB package but not documented in this manual.

bitmap-image &optional plist &rest patterns Function

character->keysyms character &optional display Function

character-in-map-p display character keymap Function

decode-core-error display event &optional arg Function

default-error-handler display error-key &rest key-vals &key asynchronous &allow-other-keys Function

default-keysym-index display keycode state Function

default-keysym-translate display state object Function

define-keysym object keysym &key lowercase translate modifiers mask display Function

define-keysym-set set first-keysym last-keysym Function

display-invoke-after-function display Function
A display

Explicitly invokes the after-function of the display. (see display-after-function). This function is internally called after every request.

display-nscreens display Function

display-release-number object Function

event-handler handlers event-key Function

get-external-event-code display event Function

get-standard-colormap window property Function

get-wm-class window Function

icon-sizes window Function

iconify-window window screen Function

keysym->keycodes display keysym Function

keysym-in-map-p display keysym keymap Function

keysym-set keysym Function

mapping-notify display request start count Function

Called on a :mapping-notify event to update the keyboard-mapping cache in display.

no-operation display Function

parse-color colormap spec Function

resource-database-timestamp database Function

resource-key stringable Function

rgb-colormaps window property Function

root-resources screen &key database key test test-not Function

Returns a resource database containing the contents of the root window RESOURCE_MANAGER property for the given screen. If screen is a display, then its default screen is used. If an existing database is given, then resource values are merged with the database and the modified database is returned. test and test-not are predicates for selecting which resources are read. Arguments are a resource name list and a resource value. The key function, if given, is called to convert a resource value string to the value given to test or test-not.

rotate-cut-buffers display &optional (delta 1)(careful-p t) Function

set-access-control display enabled-p Function

set-close-down-mode display mode Function

set-pointer-mapping display map Function

set-selection-owner display selection owner &optional time Function

set-standard-colormap window property colormap base-pixel max-color mult-color Function

set-standard-properties window &rest options Function

set-wm-class window resource-name resource-class Function

set-wm-properties window &rest options &key name icon-name resource-name resource-class command client-machine hints normal-hints zoom-hints (user-specified-position-p nil usppp) (user-specified-size-p nil usspp) (program-specified-position-p nil psppp) (program-specified-size-p nil psspp) x y width height min-width min-height max-width max-height width-inc height-inc min-aspect max-aspect base-width base-height win-gravity input initial-state icon-pixmap icon-window icon-x icon-y icon-mask window-group Function

set-wm-resources database window &key write test test-not Function

transient-for window Function

translate-default src src-start src-end font dst dst-start Function

undefine-keysym object keysym &key display modifiers &allow-other-keys Function

visual-info-blue-mask object Function

visual-info-green-mask object Function

visual-info-red-mask object Function

window-cursor window Function

window-visual-info window Function

withdraw-window window screen Function

wm-client-machine window Function

wm-colormap-windows window Function

wm-command window Function

wm-hints window Function

wm-hints-flags object Function

wm-icon-name window Function

wm-name window Function

wm-normal-hints window Function

wm-protocols window Function

wm-resources database window &key key test test-not Function

wm-zoom-hints window Function