14.6 Managing Host Access

An X server maintains a list of hosts from which client programs can be run. Only clients executing on hosts that belong to this access control list are allowed to open a connection to the server. Typically, the access control list can be changed by clients running on the same host as the server. Some server implementations can also implement other authorization mechanisms in addition to, or in place of, this mechanism. The action of this mechanism can be conditional based on the authorization protocol name and data received by the server at connection setup.

The following paragraphs describe the CLX functions used to:

access-control display Function
A display.

Returns and (with setf) changes the state of the access control list mechanism for the display server. Returns true if access control is enabled; otherwise, nil is returned. If enabled, the access control list is used to validate each client during connection setup.

Only a client running on the same host as the server is allowed to enable or disable the access control list mechanism.

Type boolean.

access-hosts display &key (:result-type 'list) Function
A display.
The type of hosts sequence to return.

Returns a sequence containing the hosts that belong to the access control list of the display server. Elements of the returned hosts sequence are either strings or some other type of object recognized as a host name by add-access-host and remove-access-host. The second returned value specifies whether the access control list mechanism is currently enabled or disabled (see access-control).

sequence of string.
Type boolean.

add-access-host display host Function
A display.
A host name. Either a string or some other implementation-dependent type.

Adds the specified host to the access control list. Only a client running on the same host as the server can change the access control list.

remove-access-host display host Function
A display.
A host name. Either a string or some other implementation-dependent type.

Removes the specified host from the access control list. Only a client running on the same host as the server can change the access control list.